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Kiln Drying








Kiln Drying & Energy Effeciency


Advantages of using Kathdin Cedar logs:
  • True kiln-dried product
  • Timber Products, Inc. graded and stamped, plus our own rigid grading standards
  • Facilities for storing dried logs
  • Customer Quality Assurance
Kiln-Drying Facts
  • Kiln-drying stabilizes the wood.
  • Kiln-drying, before the milling of the logs, maintains the quality of the logs.
  • Most checks occur during dryings.
  • Logs can be turned during the milling, placing checks in such a way as to maximize the best possible finish.
  • Kiln-drying kills wood boring insects (beetles) and decay fungi (dead-standing pre-seasonal logs harbor both of these).
  • Kiln-drying sets the pitch and prevents pitch bleed.
  • Kiln-dried logs are lighter, thereby saving in the cost of transportation.
Does the Competition Stack Up on Kiln-Drying?
  • Minimum of 30 days in the kiln is required
  • Temperatures that reach 180 degrees
  • Logs are monitored throughout the drying process according to our kiln-drying schedule
  • When criteria has been met several samples of the logs are cut and weighed
  • A moisture meter (probe) is used to check moisture content of these samples
  • With the correct moisture level achieved, the logs are placed in the dry until milling
  • Moisture levels are checked once again during the milling process
  • Any log not meeting the correct moisture level is dropped out
  • To assure quality, logs are checked a final time before being shipped
Energy Efficiency
    A log home constructed of 7" solid wood walls might have an indicated steady-state R-value of R-9. But in most U.S. climates, especially those where log homes are most popular,  a stick framed home would have to be insulated to about R-13 (or even R-15 in some areas) to perform as well for heating and air-conditioning energy used on an annual basis. this comparison assumes similar attic insulation, window performance, foundation design and the use of  identically efficient mechanical systems for heating and cooling. in practical terms  log homes may be expected to perform from 2.5% to 15% more energy efficient when compared to an identical wood frame home, considering annual purchased heating and cooling energy needs.
    In real terms, this means an owner of a log home might expend $150 to $400 less per year on their heating and cooling-related utility bills, while maintaining equal or superior comfort under real-world weather conditions. over the long term, these savings add up - for example an owner could have over $12,000 in today's dollars in the bank due to energy efficiency.
  • Wood insulates 6 times better than brick, 15 times better than concrete and 1,770 times better than aluminum
  • Logs have thermal mass due to cellular structure, bulk and thickness
  • Thermal mass in log material is the capacity to absorb, store and slowly release energy over time
  • Thermal  mass provides significant energy-savings benefits by releasing heat back into the house when temperatures drop
  • Thermal mass performance of log wall is an advantage to log home owners

Feel Free To Email Anytime.  Phone Number: 417-646-2225